Have you ever done something with the best possible intentions thinking it was the right and best thing to do...
And then have it blow up, turn into a disaster and a huge embarrassment because of something you didn't think of, know or foresee?
How did you feel? What did you think?
Did you allow the incident to dominate your thoughts, running it through your mind again and again, each time agonizing and anguishing more deeply about what happened?
Did you make yourself miserable as the thoughts grew more pronounced and more painful?
When people told you to "Just let it go!" did you find you couldn't?
You've just created your own internal horror show!
Those awful, agonizing thoughts are giving you a powerful, painful jolt of negative energy.
It's like sitting in a horror movie of your own making that goes on and on. The more you think about what happened, the worse it gets... Anxiety and anguish continue to build.
This horror show doesn't have an end... unless you recognize what is happening and decide to end it.
Deciding to just let it go often doesn't work, it's like deciding NOT to think about a purple elephant with pink spots. By trying not to think of it you keep it alive in your mind. Instead,
Decide To Detach From Those Dangerous Feelings! Ask yourself:
- Is agonizing over this going to help? Will it make it better?
- How long am I going to make myself miserable with this horror show?
- How much time am I going to waste?
- What can I do to improve the situation? To help people who may have been hurt?
- What can I do to feel better about myself? About what happened?
- How can I learn from it? Grow? Gain from my pain?
Some Things In Life Are Just Ooops!
You didn't intend to do anything awful. It just may have seem, to some, that it turned out that way. You can't change it, you can't fix it, you can try to make it right and avoid doing it again, but it's done.
Go and do some good works, help someone who needs help, try to be extra kind, considerate and caring. Give back in a genuine, sincere way.
Focusing on doing good will help you to feel good and you'll help another part of the world to be better off and feel good too.
Creating happiness for others is a great what to atone and create happiness for yourself.
Copyright 1999- , Michele Moore. All Rights Reserved. Explore HappinessHabit.com the HappinessBlog.com, and Creating-Happiness.com. Our materials may NOT be published, broadcast, redistributed or rewritten without written permission from the authors. Photograph from Dreamstime.com