Criticism Often Flows From Insecurity
People who lack confidence, ability, acceptance or social grace sometimes feel a need to to compensate for their feelings of insecurity and inadequacy.
They may criticize, put something or someone down to raise them self up. This provides a false sense of self importance, self righteousness and superiority.
It's the Fault Finding Feel Goods, making themselves feel good by putting something down, criticizing and complaining.
The problem is, they are focusing on negatives, that's not the way to happiness or spiritual success. It's also not the best way to get what you want.
Describing what's wrong does not say what is right, focusing on what's bad does not express what is good, telling people what you don't like does not communicate what you do want.
Happy people avoid the Fault Finding Feel Goods and Avoid All Unnecessary, Non-Productive Negativity.
Unhappy people and critics can always tell you what's wrong, happy people often don't have a clue what they are upset about.
Critics Often Embrace A Critical World View - Everything is bad or unacceptable. They are critical of other people, inferior things, differences, unusual opportunities, you name it. When you see so many bads and wrongs in life, it's hard to be happy, spiritually successful or confident.
Criticism Causes Insecurity And Criticism Flows From Insecurity. Critics are often hypersensitive and especially prone to slights which is a symptom of their insecurity.
The Solution:
1) Recognize where critical tendencies come from and how damaging they are to happiness, spiritual success and emotional well-being.
2) Consciously embrace and practice a more loving, positive, accepting approach and perspective.
3) Build confidence by seeing opportunities and wonderful possibilities instead of the critical insecurity which limits your opportunities and separates you from enjoyable experiences, people and spiritual success.
Adventure: Remember those dreadful events you have to attend where everyone is so boring? Everyone there has something interesting, exciting and valuable to share with you, your challenge is to find it.
Turn each interaction into a fascinating hunt where you are eager to discover each person's interesting, memorable, exciting qualities. Learn to enjoy meeting and greeting. Play host rather than insecure guest.
Study how great leaders and political figures work a room. It's a learned skill you can acquire if you are genuinely interested in other people. It's only possible when you appreciate and affirm and do not continually find fault.
This is far more interesting, exciting, rewarding and satisfying way to live than critical isolation.
Enjoy Yourself And Other People
Copyright 1999- , Michele Moore. All Rights Reserved. Explore the and Our materials may NOT be published, broadcast, redistributed or rewritten without written permission from the authors. Photograph from
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