The secret to enjoying work is to see each task or action as a satisfying achievement that moves you closer to success or a worthwhile goal.
Connect What You Have To Do
To What Is Important To You
Even the most boring jobs can support families well, allow you to achieve other life dreams or provide income to pursue activities that are truly important to you - higher education, a hobby, sport, your music, writing, charitable goals or valued volunteer work.
Decide What You Are Going To Do And Find Ways To Enjoy It
Energy and enthusiasm to complete tasks well are just as important as developing good plans.
Excite Your Attitude To Energize Your Actions
Creatively change chores into interesting games, keep score, involve other people, tie everything you do to meaningful goals. Take pride in doing simple things extraordinarily well.
Expect To Enjoy Your Work And
Find Ways To Make Work Enjoyable And Rewarding
Dreading or disliking what you have to do lets negative attitudes undermine your effectiveness and your enjoyment. If this doesn't work and you really dislike what you do, make changes.
Make Lists, Check Off And Celebrate Completed Tasks
Consciously celebrate successful completion of each task, step or section. Continually celebrating success fuels your drive to achieve more.
See Happiness Habits At Work and the Happiness Blog for more on Happiness and "Work"
Copyright 1999- , Michele Moore. All Rights Reserved. Explore the and Our materials may Not be published, broadcast, redistributed or rewritten without written permission from the authors.
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