Positive Thinking Is Dangerous
When It Prompts People To
Overlook Warning Signs
And Danger Signals
Prevailing psychobabble prescribes positive thinking as the universal path to happiness and material success.
Life, happiness and success are very different and a great deal more complex.
Ignoring Warning Signs And Danger Signals Can Be Disastrous!
Think of all the famous disasters caused by excessive optimism.
Habitually Happy People assess reality very accurately and carefully. Once they are sure they have made good decisions, they use a full force of positive energy and expectations to propel their plans forward.
Belief in positive outcomes propels success only when it is supported by good decisions and wise actions.
Otherwise, positive thinking can prompt delusion and denial.
Assess reality carefully and accurately. Make good decisions. Put the full force of positive energy and expectations behind your plans. Work hard to achieve your goals and be prepared to change your plans.
Believe in the success of everything you do.
Work hard to do the right thing in the best way possible.
Copyright 1999- , Michele Moore. All Rights Reserved. Explore HappinessHabit.com and HappinessBlog.com and Creating-Happiness.com. Our materials may NOT be published, broadcast, redistributed or rewritten without written permission from the authors. Photograph from Dreamstime.com
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